Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blogging Again

I'm not going to sugar coat this... This blog is about me. 
It's not about you.  It's about me.  It's not about the gays, the Episcopalians, the expats or anybody else.  Just me.  Just so you know.

I might want to write something important.  More likely I will just give little synopsis of my days and the occasional haiku.  But I sort of yen for a place on the web again.  Truth is, I miss the old blogging days.  Remember how we used to click over to one another's blogs and read entire sentences?  Some radicals even used punctuation.

I am not saying that I'll go THAT far, but I might want to write again.  We'll just have to see how it goes.


  1. I just looked to see if I had a link to your old blog but I don't. It probably was lost when I accidentally deleted my old blog. Good to see you here again.

  2. I see sentences. I see paragraphs. Glad you're back blogging.
